My 2018 Faith Based Bucket List

Hello everyone!

Here are a few things that I wish to accomplish this year. Most of these revolve around my self-worth and finding joy and happiness with Jesus. I also encourage you all do also create a faith-based bucket list for this year :).

  1. Learn my self-worth comes from God and not boys
  2. Develop a relationship with Jesus
  3. Learn to love other people
  4. Learn to find happiness with Jesus instead of finding happiness in boys
  5. Stop comparing myself to other people and learn to be thankful for what I have

This is just a few that I wish to work on :). Between all of these, I really wish to at least complete 4 and 2. The others are important as well, but I really wish to focus on those two a little more.

Thank you all for reading!

Instagram: @godsheavenlydaughter

Twitter: @godsheavenlydaughter


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5 Reasons Why Many Christian Girls Remain Single


In 2012 ,I was invited to be a member of a panel at a Christian singles conference. After speaking about living a purposeful life, and remaining pure in singleness, the topic of marriage invariably came up. A woman stood up and started pouring out her heart about how she desired a husband. How she was in her late thirties and did not want to be alone anymore. She said that she was on the verge of โ€˜settlingโ€™!

In an attempt to comfort her, an older woman whom we will call Sarah stood up and proclaimed that she was single at 60 AND had never married. Sarah started to encourage the younger lady. She said, look at me, I am 60 and not married but I will not settle. I want what God wants for me and will not settle for less. I have had many counterfeit men come into myโ€ฆ

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Romans 12: Gifts God has blessed me with


  1. Skilled Crafting (Using my hands)
  2. Artistry
  3. Helping others
  4. Encouraging others
  5. Giving
  6. Mercy
  7. Writing
  8. Service
  9. Hospitality

What gifts will you use to serve the kingdom? Make sure to ask God to reveal them to you as well. He will be happy to show you <3.

What are your idols? Romantic Idolatry?

Hi everyone!

I remember in the past where I struggled with Idolatry a lot. My main reason was to be in a relationship, get married etc. What ended up happening was I actually wanted it more than God :(.

You see anything we put before God, love than God, desire more than God would be Idolatry. Think about it, God has done a lot of us and it would be pretty selfish that he isn’t what brings us happiness.

God really hates Idolatry and WILL destroy your idol :). ย Here are some tips to help you get rid of your Idol and be happy with God only.

Tips to overcome Idolatry:

  1. Get rid of everything that brings more joy than God. I decided to stay celibate and give my desire of marriage to God. This means I don’t wish to be in a relationship or even desire to be since that became my idol. I love God a lot and if getting married brings more joy than him, than I don’t want it anymore.
  2. Write a list of things God has done in your life.ย This will help you remember what God has done for you. It will also help you find joy in God only ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Try to make God the center of your life
  4. Pray for God to help you identify your idolย Asking God for help is an amazing thing. Since he love’s you, he will gladly show you all your idols located in your heart. He will also help you get rid of them.

God loves us all and we should find complete happiness from him only!