My 2018 Faith Based Bucket List

Hello everyone!

Here are a few things that I wish to accomplish this year. Most of these revolve around my self-worth and finding joy and happiness with Jesus. I also encourage you all do also create a faith-based bucket list for this year :).

  1. Learn my self-worth comes from God and not boys
  2. Develop a relationship with Jesus
  3. Learn to love other people
  4. Learn to find happiness with Jesus instead of finding happiness in boys
  5. Stop comparing myself to other people and learn to be thankful for what I have

This is just a few that I wish to work on :). Between all of these, I really wish to at least complete 4 and 2. The others are important as well, but I really wish to focus on those two a little more.

Thank you all for reading!

Instagram: @godsheavenlydaughter

Twitter: @godsheavenlydaughter


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Life Goals for the kingdom

Hello everyone :). Here are some of my goals I wish to happen in the future :).

Life Goals

– Try to love others

– Marry Jesus πŸ™‚

– Bring people to Jesus


– Help others

– Don’t love anyone more than God

– Tell others about him

Our Purpose :)

I am made with a purpose :).

Hi guys ^^. So today I will be talking about all of us having a purpose.
God created us for a reason (which makes me happy). Lately I have been working hard
on a few projects lately which means my body tempting me to be lazy. I am naturally a lazy
person, but after starting reading the bible I knowtist some thigs. Since God has allowed all
of us to have a hue purspose in life, we should all work really hard and only for him. Sure
many people will be confused but we all need to remember that we are working for only him and
not for everyone else. I really wish I knew this back then :(. But now I plan to dedicate my life for
only him and whatever my purpose is I will keep working hard and keep going until it’s finished :D.



Obey want God says :)


Genesis 6:22
Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

As I grow older I keep pushing God aside and focus on worldly things :(. Today was honestly the first time I went to church in a long time, and let’s just say I learned a lot :).

The main topic the pastor was taking about was to obey God and to only live for him and not this world. 

I have a lot of fixing to do myself but for now my main focus should only be for him and not on other things.