My 2018 Faith Based Bucket List

Hello everyone!

Here are a few things that I wish to accomplish this year. Most of these revolve around my self-worth and finding joy and happiness with Jesus. I also encourage you all do also create a faith-based bucket list for this year :).

  1. Learn my self-worth comes from God and not boys
  2. Develop a relationship with Jesus
  3. Learn to love other people
  4. Learn to find happiness with Jesus instead of finding happiness in boys
  5. Stop comparing myself to other people and learn to be thankful for what I have

This is just a few that I wish to work on :). Between all of these, I really wish to at least complete 4 and 2. The others are important as well, but I really wish to focus on those two a little more.

Thank you all for reading!

Instagram: @godsheavenlydaughter

Twitter: @godsheavenlydaughter


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Nine Fruits of the Spirit: Love Book Review

Hello everyone!

The other day me and my mom went to our local dollar store to buy supplies. While my mother was looking for craft supplies for her class (she works at a daycare), I decided to peek around the book area. One funny thing about myself is I love everything stationery and books as well. When I went over to the book section I saw a lot of old books and bibles as well, but the one thing that caught my eye the most was these mini books. On the shelf was actually a bunch of mini devotional books by Robert Strand called Nine Fruits of the Spirit.

They caught my eye so much that I decided to buy almost all of them. Sadly only two where missing from the series, but thankfully they are on Amazon :). A few weeks have passed now and this week was actually the best time to read one of the books. I decided to start off with Love since I felt drawn to it the most.

This mini devotional book walks you through what love actually is and how it was used in the Bible. It even explains characteristics about Jesus himself and how he is love. I really loved this book because it showed how we are suppose to show love to others, which is really needed today.

From reading this, one love characteristic I struggle with the most was putting others first. Thankfully the book explains ways to improve this and other ways of Love. If your looking for a perfect mini devotional reminding you of how Love is suppose to be, than I strongly recommend this book. The best part is they actually include study questions and have mini bible study’s. The link to this and the whole collection will be in the link below.

I hope you all enjoy reading!

What are ways you can express love towards others? Please feel free to comment down below :).



Nine Fruits of the Spirit ~ Complete Devotion Series love joy peace faithfulness gentless goodness kindness self-control patience

Instagram: @godsheavenlydaughter

Twitter: @godsheavenlydaughter


Life Goals for the kingdom

Hello everyone :). Here are some of my goals I wish to happen in the future :).

Life Goals

– Try to love others

– Marry Jesus πŸ™‚

– Bring people to Jesus


– Help others

– Don’t love anyone more than God

– Tell others about him