Life Goals for the kingdom

Hello everyone :). Here are some of my goals I wish to happen in the future :).

Life Goals

– Try to love others

– Marry Jesus πŸ™‚

– Bring people to Jesus


– Help others

– Don’t love anyone more than God

– Tell others about him

How I don’t give up having Faith!

Hi guys!

Sorry for the long hiatus :(. A lot of things has happen to me, but thanks to God my life is getting better :D.

Today I will be discussing how no matter what happens in my life, I will never stop having Faith :D. Life is really hard and the devil himself isn’t making it any easier. Some days the devil always try’s something that will bring me down (singleness not being a blessing but a punishment).

These past months have been hard for me, but luckily I found out how to increase my Faith to keep going and to talk to God more :).

Here are my personal tips that I follow ^^:

  1. Watch many Christian You Tubers. This helped me understand the goodness of God and how he really cares for all of us :). I actually have a friend to talk to ^^.
  2. Read the bible and spend time for God everyday for an hour 
  3. Talk to him πŸ™‚ . Sometimes it’s hard but always worth it ^^
  4. Think about what God would do in a certain situation ^^. I love this because whenever trouble comes, I think what would he do in this situation :D.

Anyways, here are the tips I follow everyday to have more Faith :3. Life sucks in general without God so let’s all keep having Faith in him ^^.